This is our first newsletter! We’ll send on once a week updating you about what we are doing and how you can get involved. You can find out more on our website at
Mutual aid connects neighbours who need support in the COVID-19 crisis with neighbours who want to volunteer. We’re helping people in and around the Shacklewell ward in Hackney, East London.
Liam has been printing and helping post leaflets in our area so people know we exist and how to contact us. The last of 4848 leaflets were distributed yesterday. There are still more leaflets left over if anyone would like to put them in a local public place such as a shop or park, please get in contact through
Document of the week
As well as helping people on the phoneline we’ve been compiling information on the local area.
The outreach team have put together an amazing document with information about specialist services that you can refer people to, including food delivery services, hackney council services, housing, mental health, etc. We cannot provide specialist support, so if you feel requests goes beyond neighbours helping neighbours, please explain this and direct them to organisations that can help.
You can have read this document at please share it with anyone in Hackney who might find it useful!
If you need help navigating this document or if you have any updates and suggestions, please message Anastasia on the Whatsapp group or email the group at
Since we began we’ve had 13 requests go through our dispatches system. We’ve helped out other people neighbour-to-neighbour through chat on our WhatsApp and Facebook group.

We’ve had 5 preferred languages (English, Bengali, Polish, Turkish, Bulgarian) and we’ve done food shopping, collecting prescriptions, general errands and made friendly phone calls among other things.
Lots of people are involved in Shacklewell Mutual Aid, each week we’ll introduce a few people, if you want to get involved as well then check out our volunteer page at or chat to the people below in our WhatsApp chat group.
I’m Amy and I’m working on Dispatches because I thought it was the best way for me to use my skill set to help others. It’s a pleasure to be organising with my Shacklewell neighbours and I hope we’re making a small difference to those in need.
I’m Anastasia and I co-lead on Outreach to help our group connect with other groups and services in our area.
My name is Anne and I am a co-lead for the phoneline, which means organising volunteers to pick up the phone to people calling with requests. We always need more volunteers to fill the rota. I am involved because community has always been really important to me and Mutual Aid is a way of growing that. Let’s make a little difference in people’s lives!
I’m Felix, I’m one of the dispatch co-leads, that means I match volunteers with those in need of help, and support that helping process to go smoothly. I’m here because I have time and ability to help and I want to do as much as I can during this crisis to make things better for my community, especially those who are more vulnerable than myself. I’ve really enjoyed getting to know my neighbours through this process and wold encourage anyone to join us, the more the merrier!
I’m Liam and live on Pellerin Road and I’ve been organising leaflet distribution. I’m looking to help out and build links in the local community for solidarity in and after the crisis.
Hiya – I am Lianna and joined the Shacklewell group a couple of weeks ago. I have been involved in allsorts community and charity over the years and sat at home sick in the second week of March, I felt like after 10 years living here, the time was now to finally get involved in something local. I have been working on volunteer management (You will probably have filled out our form to register). We currently need a couple more people to support the phone line rota, would love to hear your ideas for things we can be doing locally to support people, and will be having a think this week about how we might be able to utilise this groundswell of people wanting to get involved and support the Mutual Aid movement here in our locale – get in touch with your ideas!
I’m Robin and I’ve been chairing meetings and doing general co-ordination and admin. I really enjoy seeing everyone contributing and working together. We need volunteers who are committed to seeing this crisis through as a community.
If you want to get involved on the phone line or doing anything else our people have asked for this week then please get in touch on the WhatsApp group or by email. We hold a weekly video call on Sunday evenings which everyone is very welcome to join. Find our contact details on